In this episode Simon is got some Gorilla OG to try! Check it out!For the full strain review👇 Welcome to the International Highlife series with Simon Moker.


By Hall of Fame Seeds, T.K.O. OG Kush sports a more soothing and relaxing high that patients turn to when stress and pain become too much. It is best to take this strain during the late evening hours. This strain might awaken the munchies as well as induce a bit of drowsiness.

2020-jul-24 - Utforska J. Js anslagstavla "420 och bira. #cannabis #420 #marijuana #ganja #dank #kush #thc #highsociety #maryjane #mmj #weedstagram  O.G. Kush - Royal Queen (3st, feminiserade)Genetik: Chemdawg x Lemon Thai x Pakistani Kush. HÀmta det hÀr Og Kush MÀngd Medicinsk Marijuana fotot nu. Och sök i iStocks bildbank efter fler royaltyfria bilder med bland annat Alternativmedicin-foton för  Cutting Bluberry Kush CBD med fytosanitÀrt pass, luftkonditionerat och med biodynamisk behandling - sticklingar för certifierade hampodlare. Blueberry Kush Àr  Artikelbeteckning, Industriellt Ethernet, FÀrkodning, orange, Strain relief, orange.

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Northern Lights. The Alien Kush adds some indica punch, dark coloration, and further trichome coverage to the already legendarily-potent and tasty Tahoe OG Kush clone. Definition. The OG strain is believed to originate in Southern California. Commonly referred to as OG Kush (Ocean Grown Kush), it has grown in  The Cherry OG Strain is truly an original ganja blend.

This indica inherits the telltale kush aroma of earthy pine and lemon as well as An inbred descendant of the OG Kush strain, Tahoe OG has an earthy, lemony taste, with a pungent plant smell. This strain is most popular on the West Coast, in Colorado, and in Michigan. It's usually found in California, where it was initially bred near Lake Tahoe.

The strain is most commonly described as a phenotype of OG Kush, which can be felt in its relaxing, sedative effects. SFV OG is known for producing a tranquil and euphoric high that speaks to its strong indica makeup, and it has become a popular strain for people looking to wind down, ease stress and pain, or just enjoy the potent high and powerful citrus aroma and flavor of this memorable strain.

Den milda och skonsam  KabelklĂ€mmorna hĂ„ller kablarna pĂ„ plats och lindrar eventuella externa pĂ„frestningar som i sin tur förhindrar skador pĂ„ utrustningen., Eldon Sweden. Buy Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds ⣘ Og Kush Auto Feminised Seeds - Canada Weed Seeds Order”. Sökningen gav inga resultat.

Patients love Candy OG Strain for its sweet smell and Candy taste. Patients report Candy OG Strain making them happy and euphoric while taking care of their aches and pains. Candy OG Kush Strain is good for depression, stress, anxiety, and as a sleep aid in higher doses. Buy Candy OG Kush Seeds.

Jun 10, 2020 "The O.G. got tagged onto the LA Kush back in the 90's by the Cypress Hill Crew and it stands for 'original gangsta,'" a representative for DNA  OG Kush. Skywalker. Pineapple Express. Sour Diesel.

Work-related psychosocial stress was operationalised as job strain (a combination of high demands and low control at work) and was self-reported at baseline. Se Omega Strain. Travis och Olivia nĂ„r ett samförstĂ„nd, Dank och Dabby fĂ„r ovĂ€ntat stöd och Carter berĂ€ttar mer om sitt Se ErschreckendglĂŒckseligkeit OG. Stort urval av kush-kepsar & mössor skapade av talangfulla designer » BestĂ€ll ditt favoritmotiv pĂ„ Spreadshirt ✓ enkel retur. och kush hashtag - Truckerkeps. Yeeeee, för du vet att skiten Ă€r galen och priset för Ă„rets bĂ€sta hiphop slĂ€pp, hĂ€ng inte lĂ€pp nĂ€r vi tar det.
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O og strain

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Royal Queen Seeds breeders worked hard to develop our own version of the legendary OG Kush. Using a mix of Chemdawg, Lemon Thai, and Pakistani Kush, they created a well-rounded strain with high THC levels and bucket-loads of fruity terpenes.
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Auto blommande OG Kush TillgÀnglig. Vilka Köpa frön sverige pÄ rea? VÀlj mellan vanliga, feminiserade och sjÀlvblommande fröer: Vanliga cannabis frön 

Kush tillhör delmÀngd 'cannabis indica', medan dis hör till undergrupp 'cannabis sativa'. Kush har sitt ursprung i Afghanistan och Àr allmÀnt sett i Pakisthan, Iran  KushScan - mobile application that recognizes type, thc level, sativa/indica level of a dry kush by photo . Application shows 3 most visually similar strains  Platina OG pÄstÄs stÀmma frÄn tre stammar: Master Kush, OG Kush och en tredje okÀnd förÀlder. Blommor Àr kalkgröna och fylliga, med  Huvudet högt slÄr snabbt och hÄller dig surrande i timmar, medan den milda kroppen hög hÄller dig jordad.

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The Original OG cannabis strain is believed to have been first cultivated in California, while its genetics remain widely unknown. Some say that it stems from OG Kush while others believe it’s a landrace strain. In any case, you’ll recognize its distinctly funky 

Once I realized the Diablo strain is a combination of Blueberry, Grapefruit, and an unknown African Sativa my experience with Diablo OG made complete sense.