Biography. In 2014, Tomas Nygren joined the Industrifonden team and serves as CFO. He has many years of experience in management and board positions in a wide variety of companies, from startups to listed companies and investment firms.


Industrifonden investerar i ambitiösa, innovativa team och stöttar dem i deras arbete att bygga långsiktigt framgångsrika bolag.

All Life Science Deep Tech Transformative Tech. Per Anell - Senior Investment Director. Industrifonden Vasagatan 11, PO Box 1163 111 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone +46 8 587 919 00. info Jonas Brambeck has been working in Industrifonden’s Life Science team since 1998 and has lead a number of investments in pharma and diagnostics.

Industrifonden team

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We look for transformative ventures that define the industries of tomorrow. Our areas of expertise are in Life Sciences, Deep Tech and Transformative Tech. Industrifonden är en Venture Capital-fond som investerar i tidiga bolag. Vi är baserade i Sverige men har en räckvidd över hela Norden.

We back teams with bold Jonas Jendi is an investment manager in Industrifonden's Life Science team.

30 Jan 2020 with the participation of Industrifonden and J12 Ventures. The funds raised will be invested in international expansion and growing the team.

That DD supported Industrifonden´s assessment and our decision to  Recent News about Bo Mattsson · Industrifonden pumpar in miljoner i kampanjproffset Formulate. Aug 2018 via - Articles · Match 2 One  Lennart kommer att leda ett vasst investerings-team som också inkluderar nuvarande affärsområdeschef, Jörgen Lönngren. Industrifonden har  Fairpoint Capital är en B2B-investeringsfond som har sitt ursprung i SEB Venture Capitals teknologiteam. Vi utnyttjar alltså mer än två decennier av tekniska… Åsa har lång erfarenhet av venture capital med såväl privat som offentligt riskkapital.

Teams are what drives success. What are the most important things to do when building your own team? Here's a list of five tips for better team building. Read full profile Teams are what drives success. Startups, rock bands and sport teams:

CFO of PledPharma AB. Mahshid was previously employed by Industrifonden where, as Investment Manager & Controller, he was part of the life science team.

Förhoppningsvis kommer jag kunna syndikera några av mina investeringar med Industrifonden i framtiden. ”Jag ska jobba med det jag tycker är roligast, nämligen mjukvara för företagssektorn, eller Saas för b2b som det heter i min värld”, säger han.
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Industrifonden team

“Industrifonden is recognized in the industry as a qualified investor and long-term partner to entrepreneurs, and has an incredibly important role within Nordic venture capital. I feel excited and honored for the opportunity to work alongside a stellar team as well as the opportunity to lead and develop the firm further together with the team,” says David Sonnek, Industrifonden’s Nina will simultaneously join Industrifonden’s Executive Management Team. “After eight years as Investment Director, I am now looking forward to devoting more time to select strategic projects that are close to my heart, but which I have not been able to work on previously due to time constraints, ” says Lennart Hansson, incoming Senior Advisor. Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital invests €5.3 million in DbVis Software. Stockholm: April 22rd, 2020: DbVis Software, a Stockholm-based database management and analysis tool for all major databases, today announces a €5.3 million growth investment led by Industrifonden and Fairpoint Capital.

Make sure you know your legal obligations before building your team of nyligen genomförda finansiering, med Industrifonden som huvudinvesterare, om 30  Industrifonden leder en investeringsrunda om 15 miljoner kronor genom en Freemelt grundades 2017 av ett team med mycket lång och unik  Industrifonden bygger långsiktigt värde genom att investera i innovativa bolag -Förstklassiga team – vi investerar i skickliga entreprenörer och team som har  Katarina har tidigare varit styrelseledamot i statliga riskkapitalblag som Industrifonden (vice ordförande), Almi, Norrlandsfonden, Inlandsinnovation samt  Creandum, Nordic Venture Partners, Ferd Capital, Innovacom, Anchor Capital, Teknoinvest and Industrifonden.
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Men först och främst investerar Industrifonden i människor – ambitiösa team med stora visioner, ett strategiskt synsätt och förmåga att omvandla 

We are a Nordic venture capital investor, focusing on early stage tech and life science. We back teams with bold visions and a drive to change the world. Industrifonden | 3,082 followers on LinkedIn. Early stage venture capital fund based in Sweden.

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TEAM SPORTIA logo. Kumlagatan 6 Team Sportia drivs av fria handlare som alla brinner för sport, ett aktivt liv och nöjda kunder.

Current Team Industrifonden is a Swedish-based evergreen venture capital firm with approximately $500 m in assets A startup/company in Startup Ranking with a SR Score of 34,075 and featuring tags like Venture Capital.