Gil GC, Mitchell RJ, Chang ST, Gu MB (2000) A biosensor for the detection of gas toxicity using a recombinant bioluminescent bacterium. Biosens Bioelectron 


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Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library. Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, an online library, and your iPad or iPhone through EndNote Sync. (You must be the owner and user of all three PubMed Overview. PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.

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(A) Immunostaining of sagittal sections of WT and mutant embryos at E12.5. Note the severely decreased calbinin-D28K expression in the mutant UB branches and the rare mesenchymal aggregates in the mutant mesenchyme (black arrowhead). Identification and Characterization of MIR1, a Barley E3 Ub Ligase.
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EndNote is reference management software with features to— Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library. Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, an online library, and your iPad or iPhone through EndNote Sync.
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2021-4-17 · Hyeun Sung Kim, Gangnam Nanoori Hospital, Gangnam-gu, South Korea Karin R. Swartz, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America Tomasz Tykocki, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom Erik Van De Kelft, General Hospital Nikolaas, Sint Niklaas, Belgium Although Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination is essential for both degradation and nuclear export of p53, the molecular basis for the differential effects of Mdm2 remains unknown. Here we show that low levels of Mdm2 activity induce monoubiquitination and nuclear export of p53, whereas high levels promote p53's polyubiquitination and nuclear degradation. A p53-ubiquitin fusion protein that mimics vHnf1 –/– cells are excluded from the UB tips in 2n↔ES vHnf1 –/– mosaic embryos.

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Introduction Ubiquitin (Ub) is a small protein that plays an essential role in cellular processes and is highly conserved in eukaryotic cells. 1 This protein is covalently attached via an isopeptide bond to an amino group (lysine residue or at the N-terminal site) of a …

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