Since 1994 we have focused on designing high quality and functional equipment with a long lifespan and minimal maintenance needs. At Gymleco we are truly of a healthier world. We refer our Swedish customers to our Swedish site.
High maintenance. HBO Nordic. Del 1-4. Amerikansk komediserie från 2016 av Ben Sinclair och Katja Blichfeld, med bl a Ben Sinclair, Yael
Require (ing) a lot of work/attention to maintain. 2. Require (ing) a lot of money or attention to appearance. 3. Require (ing) a high emotional investment or en excessive amount of money. High maintenance people refuse to step out of their homes looking disheveled—it’s just not in their nature.
En svensk version hittar man på Treatment characteristics and retention in methadone maintenance: High and stable retention rates in a Swedish two-phase It is important that current work to adapt dams to the Swedish Flow Committee ' s guidelines It is important that the development of high flows and risks in unregulated There are dams with no body appointed responsible for maintenance . The 8000hp, twin-cab electric HHP-8 ('High Horse Power 8000') was manufactured by a consortium of Svenska, Stöds inte Ironically, their lack of reliability and high maintenance costs meant the fleet was phased out just Användningsexempel för "high-maintenance" på svenska Dessa meningar kommer från externa källor och kan innehålla fel. är inte ansvarigt för deras innehåll. English These types of restriction have as their goal the artificial maintenance of high prices.
Maybe I didn't want to be a high - maintenance resident.
High Maintenance 2012-2015 Följ serie Följer serie Sluta följ Digitalt 11 november 2012 Lista 0 Följ Följer Sluta följ 0 Dela Drama Komedi USA 10 MIN
1. You always look put-together.
high-maintenance (suomeksi) Määritelmät: Describes a system which requires a high degree of maintenance to ensure proper functioning and without which it is likely to break down. (lb, en, figuratively, pejorative, of a person) requiring a lot of attention or reassurance; emotionally needy
december 2016 Preventive maintenance in zone 1 and 2 with IS1+ Remote I/O. Higher plant availability through intelligent diagnostics in hazardous Då kan det vara hnb – high need baby. Stahl har själv en son som är hnb och har skrivit boken ”Plusbarn: High need babies på svenska”.
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오늘의 영어 표현은: high-maintenance 입니다.
Över 100000 Svenska översättningar. High Maintenance. Önska ny översättning.
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drogi i skomplikowany w utrzymaniu. 2. przenośny. high-maintenance (też: challenging, demanding, exacting, exigent, taxing) volume_up. wymagający {przym. m.} more_vert. open_in_new Link do TED. warning Prośba o sprawdzenie. Maybe I didn't want to be a high - maintenance resident. High Maintenance is an American anthology comedy-drama television and web series created by ex-husband and wife team Ben Sinclair and Katja Blichfeld. The show follows The Guy, a cannabis courier (played by Sinclair), as he delivers his product to clients in New York City.
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I säsong 3 får The Guy (Ben Sinclair) kontakt med en varierad grupp stadsbor vars berättelser om framgångar, nederlag, kärlek och förlust kopplas samman i
Listen to High Maintenance from the High Maintenance EP: ️ICY GANG ️ Tap in with Saweetie: Text +1 (510) 250-3890 Sub High Maintenance originally debuted in 2012 as a web series until HBO picked it up for a six-episode, half-hour season in 2016, which received rave reviews from critics, currently holding a At High Maintenance Salon, our passion is to create the most beautiful presentation of you.