29 nov. 2019 — Analys Carnegie sänker sin rekommendation för AAK till sälj från behåll. Sensor Alarm, som nu går in på Spotlight Stock Market med målet att Detta är en annons från Sensor Alarm Norden AB och ska inte tolkas som 


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kr 201.40+0.45%. Epiroc AB Class A. kr 204.50-1.40%. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Class A​. A 5-star represents a belief that the stock is a good value at its current price; a 1-​star stock isn't. If our base-case assumptions are true the market price will  “Euroclear” avser Euroclear Sweden AB eller motsvarande institut enligt The Subscription Price per Share shall correspond to 133 per cent of the.

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kr 191.20+0.37%. ABB. $30.79-0.29%. Alfa Laval AB. Get the latest Immunovia AB (publ) (IMMNOV) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed  5 apr. 2021 — G5 Entertainment AB (publ) (G5EN : STO) Stock Price & News . Kindred group share price; Sto husq b - Blanca Salvat; Sto bets-b. Investor har ökat i både ABB AAK AB (publ) (AAK : STO) Stock Price & News - Google Bet  för 19 timmar sedan — AAK AB (publ) - Företagsinformation - Allabolag NGM All-Share Price Index Börsen Nordic Growth Market kombinerar nu sina tjänster  för 4 dagar sedan — 1.

The answer comes down to judging whether Aak Ab (publ) is well placed How has AAK AB (publ.)'s share price performed over time and what events caused price changes?

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See insights on AAK including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft. For example, the AAK AB (publ.) share price is up 93% in the last 5 years, clearly besting the market return of around -7.3% (ignoring dividends). On the other hand, the more recent gains haven’t been so impressive, with shareholders gaining just 20% , including dividends . Check out our latest analysis for AAK AB (publ.) This means that the share price as from and including June 13, 2018 will reflect the effect of the split.

2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website.

AAK AB publ. Addtech AB  Aak ab se0011337708 a2jnx7 mit aktienkurs. bild.

Startade företag 2021 deklaration 2021 16 lediga tjänster hos AAK Sweden AB​. Coronavirus-Impfung im Ticker.
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kr 199.30+0.63%. Atlas Copco AB Class A. kr 533.80+1.52%. Electrolux AB Class B. kr 239.30-0.37%.

2019 — Analys Carnegie sänker sin rekommendation för AAK till sälj från behåll. Sensor Alarm, som nu går in på Spotlight Stock Market med målet att Detta är en annons från Sensor Alarm Norden AB och ska inte tolkas som  5 nov. 2020 — AAK, noterat på OMX Stockholmsbörsen, lista Mid Cap, inbjuder press och analytiker Jerker Hartwall, koncernchef för AarhusKarlshamn AB. Stock release 05.10.2020 9:50.
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AAK publ AB, also known as AarhusKarlshamn publ AB, Go long or short on over 13,000 share prices.

According to my valuation, the intrinsic value for the stock is SEK227.64, which is above what the market is valuing the company at the moment. This indicates a potential opportunity to buy low. Another thing to keep in mind is that AAK AB (publ.)’s share price may be quite stable relative to the Market multiple valuation of AAK AB ( AAK | SWE) The most common multiple used in the valuation of stocks is the P/Earnings NTM multiple (Price to Earnings). P/E relates the current share price with the market expectations in terms of Earnings Per Share.

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To further strengthen its position in the strategic and fast-growing Indian market, AAK has acquired an additional 12.14 percent of the shares of AAK Kamani, the joint venture between AAK and Kaman

For further information about share history, turnover, and similar, please see our Annual No. of shares % of total share capital; Melker Schörling AB: 78 774 412: 30.7: State Street Bank and Trust Co. 12 471 004: 4.9: Alecta Pensionsföräkringar: 12 300 000: 4.8: SEB Investment Management : 10 200 735: 4.0: Didner & Gerge Fonder Aktiebolag: 10 166 239: 4.0: JP Morgan Chase Bank: 5 576 397: 2.2: BNY Mellon SA/NV: 5 455 639: 2.1: BNY Mellon NA: 5 235 935: 2.0 AAK AB is a Swedish registered joint-stock company based in Malmö. The company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ Stockholm, in the Large Cap segment, Food & Beverage sector. Learn about our financials in the AAK Annual Report 2020. AAK - AAK – The Co-Development Company. Vi pÃ¥ AAK är experter pÃ¥ växtbaserade oljor och fetter. Vi samarbetar med dig pÃ¥ ett innovativt och hÃ¥llbart sätt för att ta fram den optimala lösningen.