2009-02-23 · Expansion occurred at an increased rate in cells lacking dam, polA, rnhA, or uvrD functions. Null mutations of various other cellular recombination, repair, and stress response genes had little effect upon expansion. The red recombination genes of phage lambda could substitute for recBCD in mediating expansion.
Rep and UvrD helicases displayed a similar behavior, we first examined ATPase activity in the presence of each fork substrate as a function of magnesium ion concentration. Under these conditions, Rep displayed optimal activity at 0.5 mM magnesium ion, whereas UvrD exhibited optimal activity at 1 mM (Figure 1A,B). There was one exception to
In fact genetically, UvrD functions as an anti-recombinase rather than a recombinase.The need for UvrD in Pol IIIts mutants only when RecQ, RecJ, RecFOR, and RecA are all present led Lestini and Michel (34) to propose that UvrD antagonizes deleterious actions of RecQ-, RecJ-, and RecFOR-dependent RecA binding to arrested forks, which prevents replication fork reversal (RFR) ( Figure 1F,G of The PcrA/UvrD helicase functions in multiple path-ways that promote bacterial genome stability includ-ing the suppression of conflicts between replication and transcription and facilitating the repair of tran-scribed DNA. The reported ability of PcrA/UvrD to bind and backtrack RNA polymerase (1,2) might be UvrD function on these substrates. For substrate 3, omission of. SSB resulted in increased unwinding by UvrD in the absence of. UvrAB (compare Fig. 4, A (lane 5) and B, with Fig. 5 A (lane 6) View protein in PROSITE PS51198, UVRD_HELICASE_ATP_BIND, 1 hit PS51217, UVRD_HELICASE_CTER,
This section displays by default the canonical protein sequence and upon request all isoforms described in the entry. Escherichia coli UvrD DNA helicase functions in several DNA repair processes. As a monomer, UvrD can translocate rapidly and processively along ssDNA; however, the monomer is a poor helicase. To unwind duplex DNA in vitro, UvrD needs to be activated either by self-assembly to form a dimer or by interaction with an accessory protein.
2019-08-13 Escherichia coli UvrD is a 3′–5′ superfamily 1A helicase/translocase involved in a variety of DNA metabolic processes. UvrD can function either as a helicase or only as an single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) translocase. The switch between these activities is controlled in vitro by the UvrD oligomeric state; a monomer has ssDNA translocase activity, whereas at least a dimer is needed for The enzymatic function of UvrD is to translocate along a DNA strand in a 3′ to 5′ direction and unwind duplex DNA utilizing a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. In addition, UvrD interacts with many other proteins involved in the above processes and is hypothesized to facilitate protein turnover, thus promoting further DNA processing. 1998-01-15 2015-03-30 and function must be inferred. Conversely, functional assays usually provide little information on structural conformation.
Understanding how cells become TLD hypersensitive and defining the pathways and mechanisms of action of the proteins that allow cells to resist 2012-01-20 RecJ functions in both the RecQ and RecA-dependent TLD pathways in UvrD + cells Whereas, RecA, RecF, RecQ, and RecJ act in one linear pathway of hyper-TLD in Δ uvrD cells ( Figures 3B and Figure 4, A, C, and D ), RecQ and RecJ were shown previously to act in one pathway of TLD in UvrD + cells while RecA and RecF acted in a second SOS-response-dependent pathway that is independent of RecQ ( Fonville et al. … 2020-10-23 The enzymatic function of UvrD is to translocate along a DNA strand in a 3' to 5' direction and unwind duplex DNA utilizing a DNA-dependent ATPase activity.
and function must be inferred. Conversely, functional assays usually provide little information on structural conformation. We developed a single-molecule technique combining optical tweezers and fluorescence microscopy that allows for both measurements simultaneously. Here we present measurements of UvrD, a DNA repair
uvrD in E. coli remains viable, although it is lethal in either a polA or rep background, and exhibits sensiti-vity to UV light, elevated rates of recombination and mutations [17]. This multitude of functions of UvrD make it important to all organisms, more so in patho-genic bacteria or extremophiles surviving under In addition, UvrD plays critical roles in rolling circle plasmid replication, processing of Okazaki fragments in the absence of DNA polymerase I and replication fork reversal in Escherichia coli polymerase III mutants with multiple functions at inactivated replication forks [[8-11]].
2018-10-19 · Hence, UvrD self-assembly is one way to separate and thus regulate its helicase and translocase activities. Such regulation is likely important in vivo since an unregulated helicase would likely be detrimental to the cell. In bacteria, UvrD-like helicases generally function as components of larger molecular machines , , , , .
This multitude of functions of UvrD make it important to all organisms, more so in patho-genic bacteria or extremophiles surviving under In contrast, suppression by altered patterns of gene expression or by bypass of Rep/UvrD function in transcription would not entail any reduced ability of replisomes to move along protein-bound DNA. We tested, therefore, whether Δ rep Δ uvrD rpoB∗35 cells had a reduced ability to tolerate nucleoprotein complexes as compared with rep+ uvrD+ rpoB∗35 cells or cells lacking only one helicase. Helicases are a class of enzymes vital to all organisms.Their main function is to unpack an organism's genes.They are motor proteins that move directionally along a nucleic acid phosphodiester backbone, separating two annealed nucleic acid strands such as DNA and RNA (hence helic-+ -ase), using energy from ATP hydrolysis.There are many helicases, representing the great variety of processes in They quantitively characterized the self-assembly equilibria of wild-type UvrD as a function of NaCl and glycerol concentrations as well astemperature using analytical ultracentrifugation and concluded that a lower NaCl concentration, a lower pH, a lower glycerol concentration, and a higher temperature were favorable for UvrD oligomer formation . UvrD might therefore function to inhibit formation of recombination intermediates at blocked forks (Magner et al., 2007).Here, we demonstrate that Rep and UvrD promote movement of replisomes along proteinbound DNA regardless of the identity of the blocking nucleoprotein complex, that transcription complexes present the most significant of such blocks in vivo, and that accessory helicase The PcrA/UvrD helicase functions in multiple path-ways that promote bacterial genome stability includ-ing the suppression of conflicts between replication and transcription and facilitating the repair of tran-scribed DNA. The reported ability of PcrA/UvrD to bind and backtrack RNA polymerase (1,2) might be In addition, we succeeded in constructing a uvrD rep double mutant when E. coli cells harboured the pcrA‐encoding plasmid (not shown). The viability of such strains suggests that PcrA provides precisely the function of UvrD that is essential in a rep background, or the function of Rep that is essential in a uvrD … UvrD can function either as a helicase or only as an single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) translocase. The switch between these activities is controlled in vitro by the UvrD oligomeric state; a monomer has ssDNA translocase activity, whereas at least a dimer is needed for helicase activity.
UvrD (DNA helicase II) has been implicated in DNA replication, DNA recombination, nucleotide excision repair, and methyl-directed mismatch repair. The enzymatic function of UvrD is to translocate along a DNA strand in a 3′ to 5′ direction and unwind duplex DNA utilizing a DNA-dependent ATPase activity.
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In addition, UvrD interacts with many other proteins involved in the above processes and is hypothesized to facilitate protein turnover, thus promoting further DNA processing. 1998-01-15 2015-03-30 and function must be inferred. Conversely, functional assays usually provide little information on structural conformation. We developed a single-molecule technique combining optical tweezers and fluorescence microscopy that allows for both measurements simultaneously. Here we present measurements of UvrD, a DNA repair 2018-10-19 2009-04-03 uvrD homolog has been shown to partially compensate for the repair function of E. coli UvrD, suggesting that the function of the helicase is evolutionarily conserved (11).
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carrying an UvrD-like helicase C-terminal domain, and two contiguous putative serine/threonine protein kinases (Fig. 6). The specific role of these mutations in
44 (mutH, mutL, mutS, uvrD) indikerar en mutatorspänning.
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UvrD function on these substrates. For substrate 3, omission of. SSB resulted in increased unwinding by UvrD in the absence of. UvrAB (compare Fig. 4, A (lane 5) and B, with Fig. 5 A (lane 6)
C. Hodgman, Nature 333:22–23, 1988) associated with the superfamily of proteins of which it is a member. Abstract. Escherichia coli UvrD is a superfamily 1 helicase/translocase that functions in DNA repair, replication, and recombination.
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