Elecster Oyj on perustettu vuonna 1955. Se on julkinen osakeyhtiö, jonka kotipaikka on Akaa, ja pääasiallinen toimiala Pakkauskoneet, pakkaustarvikkeet. Yhtiön toimitusjohtaja on Arto Henrik Kinnunen.
Bekanta dig med Svenska Yles innehåll om Elecster Oyj.
Harri Vierimaa (Technical Manager) | Timo Juvonen (Production Director Elecster Group) | Ville Huovilainen (Production Manager) | View more for Elecster Oyj View detailed Import data, price, monthly trends, major importing countries, major ports of elecster under HS Code 40169340. 31. maaliskuu 2021 Elecster Oyj:n vuosikertomus, selvitys hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästä ja palkitsemisraportti 2020 julkaistu. 31.3.2021 08:30. Köp aktier i Elecster Oyj A - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.
Elecster Oyj | 237 followers on LinkedIn. Elecster is the leading company in the world as a system supplier for UHT lines, Aseptic Pouch Filling Machines and ecological Pouch Packaging Materials. Examine Elecster Oyj's financial health to determine how well-positioned it is against times of financial stress by looking at its level of debt over time and how much cash it has left. Elecster Oyj competitive advantages and company strategy can generally be found in its financial reports archived here. AS Eesti Elecster real estate is 32000sq.m of its size, located in Tallinn, Laki 16.
Elecster headquarters are located in Europe. Dairy machinery production is taking in place in Finland and meets the highest quality and safety requirements (CE).
Get the latest Elecster Oyj (ELEAV) real-time quote, historical performance, charts , and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and
Elecster is the leading company in the world as a system supplier for UHT lines, Pouch Filling Machines and ecological Pouch Packaging Materials. The company has developed the packaging machines and packaging materials side by side. With over 50 years` experience in engineering and manufacturing of dairy machinery and packaging material it has developed the superior know-how of compatibility Latest news about Elecster. Elecster on Wikipedia, Google News & Yahoo Finance.
Elecster is the leading company in the world as a system supplier for UHT lines, Pouch Filling Machines and ecological Pouch Packaging Materials. The company has developed the packaging machines and packaging materials side by side. With over 50 years` experience in engineering and manufacturing of dairy machinery and packaging material it has developed the superior know-how of compatibility
Elecster är ett tillverkningsbolag. Bolaget designar och tillverkar maskiner som används för påfyllning av påsar samt övriga förpackningsmaterial vid mjölkproduktion.
Elecster, Ackas. 275 gillar · 1 pratar om detta · 7 har varit här. Number One in Pouch. Elecster är ett tillverkningsbolag.
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Få detaljerad information om Elecster (ELEAV) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, Elecster rapporter och mycket mer. Please visit our website for more machines: https://www.machineryworld.com/used-machines/aseptic-uht-filling-downstream----- Elecster Oyj defilerar i mål som vinnare i januari. Det vitt varierande utfallet portföljerna emellan fortsätter. Elecster leverar, ihop med Oliv, ett kanonresultat i Finland med en 47%ig uppgång.
Osakkeen ylin kurssi katsauskauden aikana oli 15,71 euroa ja alin 10,52 euroa. 2021-03-26 · elecster q4 oper profit up at eur 0.6 mln. feb 24 (reuters) - elecster oyj
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200ml to 1000ml Elecster FP-5000F-ESL Twin-Station Pouch Filling Machine This is a Used 200ml to 1000ml Elecster FP-5000F-ESL Pasteurised Automatic Form/Fill/Seal Twin Station Pouch Filling Machine (ESL Extended Shelf Life) which was previously Used in a High Profile Dairy Facility in the UK for Filling 1000ml Pasteurised Milk with a Rate of Approx. 5000 Pouches/Hour, currently held in stock
AS Eesti Elecster was established in 1991. First official working day was April 1st and that would not be a joke.
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1966 Kylmäkoskella. 1988 (ennen yleisöantia) silloin myyntiyhtiönä toiminut tytäryhtiö Elecster Oy (vanha, ent. nimi Rakennusmuovi Oy, per. 1955, 136.404) osti
Enedo, -2,72, -0,71, -0,01, 0,84, -4,09, +0,48, -28,47, -6,22 Bolaget grundades 2003 av ortopediprofessor Pekka Jalovaara och Elecster-grundaren Tuomo Halonen. BBS produkt, ARTEBONE®, grundar Bolaget grundades 2003 av ortopediprofessor Pekka Jalovaara och Elecster-grundaren Tuomo Halonen. BBS produkt, ARTEBONE®, grundar sig på forskning 27,37 Aspocomp Group Componenta Consti Group Dovre Group Eezy Efore Elecster A Etteplan Exel Composites Glaston Incap Kesla A Neo Kommunens största arbetsgivare är Elecster Oy som är Finlands största tillverkare av livsmedels- och förpackningsmaskiner och har en platsfabrik i Reisjärvi CITYCON. COMPONENTA.