inter alia meaning: 1. among other things 2. among other things 3. among other things: . Learn more.


Inter Alia. [Latin, Among other things.] A phrase used in Pleading to designate that a particular statute set out therein is only a part of the statute that is relevant to the facts of the lawsuit and not the entire statute. Inter alia is also used when reporting court decisions to indicate that there were other rulings made by the court but only a

Between other parties, who are strangers to the proceeding in question. Definition of inter alia in the dictionary. Meaning of inter alia. What does inter alia mean?

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Definition of INTER ALIA (adverb): way of saying 'among other things' COST-EFFECTIVE: You need to pay for service, not overhead. We practice in association, meaning that although we each operate separately insured law firms , is a method of Real Estate Agents and Agencies. In no way is responsible for the services provided by the advertisers   Jul 4, 2012 I've been reading many opinions from the United State Supreme Court and discovered the phrase "inter alia," meaning "among other things. Define Inter alia.

Context example: the committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted Inter Alia is a Latin phrase meaning “among other things,’” and that is precisely the place to look for the economic policies of the United Nations. Article 55 of the Charter authorizes the United Nations to promote, inter alia, “higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development.” And each year, hundreds of books and pamphlets pour forth from the organization in furtherance of that objective.

inter alia translation in Latin-English dictionary. Showing page 1. Found 238 sentences matching phrase "inter alia".Found in 7 ms.

Powered by inter alia (även: among other) volume_up. bland annat {adv.} more_vert. open_in_new Länk till European Parliament.

Define Inter alia. means among other things, and that the classification is not restricted to what is listed. Refer to note 1 to chapter 12 of the HTSUS.

What is the meaning of INTER ALIA? How do you use INTER ALIA in a sentence? What are synonyms for INTER ALIA? 2011-06-29 · An Inter Alia Mortgage is a mortgage that is secured by more than one property. A single mortgage document is executed and registered against each property that is used as security. An inter-alia mortgage is set up as a blanket mortgage over two or more properties.

of alius, other .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. You use inter alia, meaning 'among other things', when you want to say that there are other things involved apart from the one you are mentioning. Translation of "inter alia" in Arabic. جملة أمور بينها أمور منها ضمن أمور أخرى بين أمور أخرى بأمور منها بطرق منها أمورا منها ومنها عدة أمور جملة ما ضمن أشياء أخرى. فيما تشمل ضمنها بين ما.
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Inter alia service meaning

[Latin, Among other things.] A phrase used in Pleading to designate that a particular statute set out therein is only a part of the statute that is relevant to the facts of the lawsuit and not the entire statute. Inter alia is also used when reporting court decisions to indicate that there were other rulings made by the court but only a Inter alia definition is - among other things. How to use inter alia in a sentence.

What does res-inter-alios-acta mean? (law) A thing done between others (such as a contract), which cannot adversely affect the rights of those who are not pa Inter Alia Limited, a top quality kitchen, bedroom, office study and bathroom manufacturer, have, been supplying to the trade nationally and internationally for 14 years.
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(iv) The right to public health, medical care, social security and social services; [ …] through, inter alia, the application of readily available technology and through The term "prevention" means action aimed at prevent

Pronunciation of inter alia and its etymology. Related words - inter alia synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. Example sentences containing inter alia Inter alia these ESM systems have a high probability of interception (POI) in the spatial and frequency domains and perform the following functions:.

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Unionenklubben Neisa Services Sweden AB. Country: Malmö Serviceyrkesalliansen (Sya). Country: FACKFÖRENINGSKLUBB INTERALIA. Country:.

Video shows what inter alia means. among other things. Inter alia Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say inter alia.