Köp böcker från förlag De Gruyter: Luthers Hebraerbrief-Vorlesung von 1517/18; Mittelalterliches Nordisches Recht; International Handbook on Shareholders Agreements m.fl.


De Gruyter(German: [də ˈɡʁɔʏ̯tɐ]) or Walter de Gruyter GmbHis a scholarly publishing housespecializing in academic literature. The company has its roots in the bookstore of the Königliche Realschulein Berlin, which had been granted the royal privilegeto print books by King Frederick II of Prussiain 1749.

The company is headquartered in Berlin, with offices in Basel, Walter de Gruyter Publishers 1749-1999 Anne-Katrin Ziesak, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin--Preussischer Kulturbesitz Limited preview - 1999. Walter de Gruyter Publishers, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter, 2013: ISBN: 3110816660, 9783110816662: Length: 292 pages: Subjects: History › Modern › De Gruyter publishes over 1,300 new book titles each year and more than 750 journals in the humanities, social sciences, medicine, mathematics, engineering, computer sciences, natural sciences, and … De Gruyter partners with LibLynx for Identity, Access and Analytics. July 7, 2020. We’re excited to announce that the venerable scholarly publishing house, De Gruyter, has partnered with LibLynx to provide Identity, Access and Analytics for their new digital publishing platform. About the agreement The agreement grants free open access-publishing for Lund University’s researchers in all of De Gruyter’s hybrid journals. Hybrid journals are subscription-based journals with an open access option. There is also a discount of 30% on open access fees in the publisher’s pure open access journals.

De gruyter publishing

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An international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin -- and  Karlstad University Library has signed an open access deal with De Gruyter, a German publisher of books and journals covering most subject  amedeo avogadro. a scientific biography. dordrecht: d. reidel publishing company. 1984. XI, 375 p.

View Journal information. De Gruyter publishes first-class scholarship and has done so for more than 270 years.

De Gruyter (German: [də ˈɡʁɔʏ̯tɐ]) or Walter de Gruyter GmbH is a scholarly publishing house specializing in academic literature. The company has its roots in the bookstore of the Königliche Realschule in Berlin, which had been granted the royal privilege to print books by King Frederick II of Prussia in 1749.

In 1919, Walter de Gruyter (1862–1923) merged it with 4 other publishing houses into the company that became Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co in 1923, and Walter de Gruyter GmbH in 2012. De Gruyter maintains offices around the globe, in Berlin, Basel, Boston, Munich, Beijing, Warsaw, and Vienna. De Gruyter publishes over 1,300 new book titles each year and more than 750 journals in the humanities, social sciences, medicine, mathematics, engineering, computer sciences, natural sciences, and law.

23 Aug 2019 “We are very pleased to be partnering with a reputable publisher like ASP and look forward to the complementary collection in Jewish and Slavic 

av M Korpiola · 2018 · Citerat av 1 — I. De Gruyter Recht, BerlinGoogle Scholar. Kilström B (1998) Heliga Harvey Miller Publishers, LondonGoogle Scholar. Öberg CS (2009)  Downloads: Most important publications. The numberings below refer to the Complete List of Publications (where all items are Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Today, the De Gruyter group publishes over 1,300 new titles each year in the humanities, social sciences, STM and law, more than 700 subscription based or Open Access journals, and a variety of digital products.
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De gruyter publishing

APCs for articles in De Gruyter full open access journals are discounted with 30%. As a rule, the invoice is sent to the author. Köp böcker från förlag De Gruyter: Luthers Hebraerbrief-Vorlesung von 1517/18; Mittelalterliches Nordisches Recht; International Handbook on Shareholders Agreements m.fl. O n the opening day of the 2020 Frankfurter Buchmesse, the fair’s online conference track on academic and scholarly publishing included an interesting session.

6 Sep 2019 A recent study based on the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) data indicates that, along with Frontiers Media SA, Presses universitaires  We are an international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin. We publish over 1,300 new book titles each year and more than 900 journals across the  31 Jul 2017 Like many other publishers, De Gruyter had been sending authors their proofs in PDF format for annotation. Authors' corrections would then be  15 Dec 2020 Swiss health science publisher Karger will transfer its phonetic science journal.
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De Gruyter stands for excellence in publishing and quality solutions for the challenges that researchers and professionals face. Many of our authors come to us based on recommendations from their peers, and our reputation is Researchers and professionals are our key customers, and are at the center of everything we do.

What is NOT included in the agreement? Publication costs or discounts in fully  The seminar with De Gruyter is held for early career researchers and aspiring authors of journal articles for key insights on getting published  De Gruyter publishes first-class scholarship and has done so for more than 270 years.

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De Gruyter Mouton. In this interview, the editors-in-chief Lenore Grenoble, Pia Lane and Unn Røyneland, will talk about the 'Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online' (LME) database and their motivations behind this project. If you're curious about how database and its …

on how De Gruyter is De Gruyter is an internationally reputed German publisher, no doubt. It publishes hundreds of journals, books, and book series.