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International Financial Reporting Standards) do IASB (International Accounting Standards 2 normas brasileiras, um prejuízo de R$ 1 bilhão (ou seja, 83 vezes maior)i. moeda de relatório por empresas do setor de Extração de petróleo

Recurring Once. Follow Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref's earnings. For all future releases Just for the upcoming release Send me a reminder 1 trading day before 2021-02-19 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 currently has the 140th highest Short-Term Technical score in the Oil & Gas Integrated industry. The Short-Term Technical score evaluates a stock's trading pattern over the past month and is most useful to short-term stock and option traders. Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref Earnings, Revenue miss in Q3 By Investing.com - Oct 29, 2020. Investing.com - Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref reported on Wednesday third quarter earnings that missed analysts' forecasts and revenue that fell short of Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref shares are up 11% from the beginning of the year, still down 28.27% from its 52 week high of 12.52 set on February 25, 2020.

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Notowania historyczne akcji spółki Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref, w tym cena zamknięcia, otwarcia, minimalny i maksymalny kurs i zmiana procentowa. Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref markets two types of products in the Oil & Gas Operations industry. For sake of simplicity let us call them Energy Standard product and Energy Custom Product. Standard Product is lot simpler than Custom Product, so Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref produces Standard product in large batch sizes compare to Custom product which is produced in smaller batch 어느 지수가 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref 주식을 포함하고 있는 지 확인하세요.

Petrobras - Petroleo Brasileiro Sa is primarely in the business of crude petroleum & natural gas.

Nos estimations du consensus sur Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref (PBRa) vous donnent accès aux prévisions de cours à 12 mois du consensus, en se basant sur les meilleurs analystes du secteur.

The Short-Term Technical score evaluates a stock's trading pattern over the past month and is most useful to short-term stock and option traders. Get instant access to a free live streaming chart of the Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref Stock.

28 Fev 2020 Rua Sete de Setembro, 111/2-5º e 23-34º Andares – Centro – Rio de Janeiro - RJ – CEP: 20050-901 – Brasil Informe sobre Código Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa – Companhias Emp. adm. participações – Petróleo e g

USD-Equity-Company Index / Market info What's this? FTSE Index -Instrument market cap -Listing / Admission to trading หน้าเว็บเพจนี้จะนำเสนอข่าวล่าสุดเกี่ยวกับหุ้น Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg Trang này trình bày Bảng Báo Cáo Thu Nhập (báo cáo lợi tức) đối với Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref. Tìm kiếm quá trình kết quả hoạt động tài chính của công ty, tổng thu nhập, và hơn thế nữa. Get free option chain data for PBRa. Find Call and Put Strike Prices, Last Price, Change, Volume, and more for Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref stock options. Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref: zyski lepsze od prognoz, dochody gorsze od przewidywań w Q2 Przez Investing.com - 31.07.2020.

Zyski były lepsze od prognoz, Síntese financeira da cotação das ações da Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref, incluindo o preço do título PBRa. Gráficos, sentimentos, análises técnicas, histórico de preços, relatórios e mais. Informações sobre os dividendos das ações da Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref (PBRa), incluindo uma descrição geral da posição da empresa em comparação com a indústria. Encontre a seguir as datas de ex-dividendos, rácios de pagamento de EPS e FCF, rendimentos e datas de pagamento. Disponíveis em períodos anuais e trimestrais. เข้าถึงข้อข้อมูลรายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับหุ้น Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref (PBRa) ที่รวมถึงราคา แผนภูมิ การวิเคราะห์ทางเทคนิค ราคาย้อนหลัง รายงาน Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref และ Datos gratuitos de la cadena de opciones de PBRa. Precios de compra y venta, análisis y gráfico de posiciones abiertas de Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref.
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Petroleo brasileiro adr reptg 2

22 Feb 2021 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 currently has the 140th highest Short-Term Technical score in the Oil & Gas Integrated industry.

Get the latest Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref Shs (PBR.A) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading and Find the latest PETROLEO BRASILEIRO ADR/2 (PJXA.F) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 (PBR) stock is lower by -7.26% while the S&P 500 has gained 0.02% as of 2:23 PM on Friday, Feb 19. PBR has fallen -$0.78 from the previous closing price of $10.82 on volume of 59,053,591 shares. Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 currently has the 140th highest Short-Term Technical score in the Oil & Gas Integrated industry.
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Informações sobre os dividendos das ações da Petroleo Brasileiro ADR Reptg 2 Pref (PBRa), incluindo uma descrição geral da posição da empresa em comparação com a indústria. Encontre a seguir as datas de ex-dividendos, rácios de pagamento de EPS e FCF, rendimentos e datas de pagamento. Disponíveis em períodos anuais e trimestrais.

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