Karbin m/94 sedermera m/1894, repeter, 5-skottsmagasin (låda), kaliber 6,5×55, vikt 3,4 kg, längd 950 mm, tillverkare Mauser (Tyskland) samt Carl Gustafs stads gevärsfaktori. Karbin m/1894-96, modell med remfästen som för Gevär m/96. För bland annat ingenjörstrupperna.


Helstock. Låsblecket märkt 1862 samt C under krona. Uppfällbart sikte. Räfflad pipa. Bajonett. Gevärets längd ca 140 cm. Bajonettens längd ca 65.5 cm.

Scabbard markings. In this case, a crown over a "c" indicating manufacture by Carl Gustafs Gevarsfaktori. 9 Markings on the M10 Ammunition belt. Markings likely indicate manufacture in January of 1920. 10 Rear view of M10 ammunition belt. Note the metal rings are there to attach the pack support straps to.

Carl gustafs stads gevarsfaktori

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Video is just for fun, View all items from REMARKABLE FINDS sale 1900 Swedish Mauser Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori Bolt Action Rifle The Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori in Eskilstuna was busy manufacturing machine guns and other weapons and so, in 1941, Husqvarna Vapensfabriks AB was given the contract to construct newly made M38 rifles instead of converting further M96 long rifles. Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori Model 1896 Mauser Bolt Action Rifle Adopted by Sweden in 1896, this model was standard issue during the Russo-Finnish War. SN 286603 Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori 1910 (used) 529.99$ In store purchase using any Card. 499.99$ Website e-transfer or pay cash on site. We buy, sell, trade & pawn guns. (in house only) Condition : Very good; Barrel : 21″ Capacity : 5; Caliber : 6.5×55 Up Next We Have a Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori 1918 Mauser Sporter Rifle, Believe to be in the Original Chambering of 6.5 x 55 mm Swedish, Sporterized with an 18" Barrel, Front Lyman Sight and Rear Diopter Sight. 2004-07-18 · The company Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori was founded in 1812. Two other factories along the coast were closed at the same time, since the Russians burned them down repeatedly during their attacks on Sweden.

Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori,  Rapport öfver gevärstillverkningen wid Carl Gustafs stads gevärsfaktori år 1875.

4 Jun 2017 An unmolested unsporterized all matching #'s Carl Gustafs Stads M94/14 carbine (G 33/50) in 115,000 (by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori)

Carl Gustafs Stads Long Guns (3 Products) Filter By . Sort By: 3 Item(s) Show. per page .

Hi I have a Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori 1917 stamped HK 94917 with all numbers matching 917 also with a half dollar plate stamped I. 23 No 1133 I would like to know the value of this gun.

This bolt-action rifle has an import stamp on the bottom of the barrel and was imported by CAI ST of St. Albans, VT. The gun is chambered in the 6.5x55mm cartridge. The serial number on … Help a brother learn about this weapon Carl Gustafs Stads, Model M96. Cal: 6.5X55, MFG: 1905, SN: 168532, Bolt Action Rifle.

The Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori in Eskilstuna was busy manufacturing machine guns and other weapons and so, in 1941, Husqvarna Vapensfabriks AB was given the contract to construct newly made M38 rifles instead of converting further M96 long rifles.
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Carl gustafs stads gevarsfaktori

Carl Gustafs stads gevärsfaktori. Vapenindustri förr och nu av Tomas Carlberg. Med faktoriet i Tunafors stad påbörjades en tillverkning som skulle sätta  10 Jul 2020 About the object You will receive an email for new items in this category!

Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, Eskilstuna, och slussen. *CARL GUSTAFS STADS GEVARSFAKTORI 1914 BOLT ACTION RIFLE. Twentieth century.
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Carl Gustafs Stads Long Guns (3 Products) Filter By . Sort By: 3 Item(s) Show. per page . Swedish M41B Ex Sniper by Carl Gustaf, 6.5x55 , 5 Rd Bolt Action, Drilled and Tapped for Mount - Closeout. Out of stock View Details » View Details » M38 Swedish Mauser 6.5x55

It is in like new condition with a deep blue finish and a bright, excellant bore. Beautiful walnut stock has a crown cartouch and a few tiny rack marks from neighboring rifles. You are bidding on a Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori 1910, 6.5x55 caliber, 30 inch barrel, adjustable rear sight, hooded front sight, bore is shiny with sharp lands, smooth wood stock with scratches and dings, AJACK 4x90 scope.

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Swedish “Carl Gustafs Stads” bolt-action military carbine, 6.5mm cal., 19” barrel, blue finish, ful I Have A M96 Carl Gustafs Stads Gevarsfaktori 1916 | Gun .

Together with Husqvarna, Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori was the only factory for fine-caliber weapons. Until 1969 several well Download Image of Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, Eskilstuna, och slussen..